Hands Web Dev

Active learning that sticks

Not your standard video tutorials

Hands-on Web Dev is all about project-driven learning. You code the project, using the provided support as needed.

Proven instructor

Bonnie Schulkin has over 80,000 online students and hundreds more in-person students.

Project resources

Each Hands-on Web Dev project provides:
  1. an overall spec for the project (a checklist of features to complete)
  2. targeted links to official docs for project technologies
  3. user stories and tickets for smaller, more contained challenges
  4. hints along the way in case you get stuck
  5. text and video content explaining key concepts
  6. videos that walk through the solution step by step
  7. completed code for the project
You can also get help from the author and your fellow learners via the Discord server.

Choose your own path

You might...

circle with icon of steps to reach a goal on top, and an icon of a speech bubble with a question mark on the bottom
build the project from user stories and tickets, and use text hints when you get stuck
circle with icon of a document on top, and an icon of a video frame on the bottom
work mostly from official documentation, watching the supplemental video content as needed
circle with icon of a video frame on top, and an icon of an arrow with a flag at the end on the bottom
code along with solution videos first, and then start over using only the overall spec

There's no wrong choice!

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